Sunday, April 12, 2020

Why I am a Hindu by Shashi Tharoor

I always liked him speaking, and tweeting because of the style but I never read any of his books.

So I picked up this one not because this has a catchy title but I guess this was the one which was available.

I can say that I really liked the way whole narrative flows specially in the initial part which explains Hindu. This puts forward a lot of rational points, and calls out the absurdities in the same breath.

The later part condemns the current status of Hinduism, and sounds like a political commentary on government in power.

Religion is a very personal choice and state should not have any say into it. But then there is a thin line where politics get into the religion and vice versa. To cross it or not is a very important question and there is no right answer to that. But if you have to choose, choose one which is more human.


P.S. - Ramanand Sagar's Ramayan, and Mahabharat are not the right references if you're looking for answers.

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