Thursday, August 20, 2015

Ashley Madison Exposure : Is This Really Required?

The social media is hot with the news of Ashley Madison user's information being made public.

The hackers portray it like they did a public service and they should get a pat on their back.

Is it really the case? Are these hackers any different from those people who want to shackle the freedom of any type be it which religion I follow, what clothes do I wear, which books I read, my sexual preferences etc? The answer is NO. They're not different from those people. How anybody can have a right to decide what I should do in my personal life. I may be the best programmer or hacker in the world but does this give me a right to expose what is none of my business. Do I need to

I don't approve of people cheating but does my disapproval give me a right to put these people to public shame. I can only imagine what happens to a family when such incidents come to light. Try imagining it happening to a million families. Hope you didn't like the picture.

The problem with having such ideologies is a firm belief of self righteousness. How can you agree with anything I have to say? These differences make us human and the mutual respect for such differences makes us a better human being.

And, here are some fun facts, 90-95% of actual users are Male which means that most of the users might have failed miserably to have an affair. This information itself makes the whole exercise look foolish apart from the vulnerability of forging identities in a virtual world. Also, the Ashely Madison needs better security for their servers.

Another thing is that this data was release through The Onion Router (if you know what it means) which is not really accessed by common public. So, even if a user's ID and other details were hacked, nobody will really get it other than the guys who are an avid users of such technologies. So the real people are never exposed.

So in the end of day it is just a news, and nobody is really exposed. I hope the hackers will learn from this, and put there skills for some good use.

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