Tuesday, November 3, 2020

The New Religious Intolerance: Overcoming the Politics of Fear in an Anxious Age by Martha C. Nussbaum

 Someone once said that the good books are the one which teaches you something new. But the better ones are which give you a feeling that you already knew it but this book gave the words to it.

Well, this is that kind of book. I definitely got stuck with a bit of legal history where some older cases were mentioned but apart from that it more or less echoes the thoughts.

Let's agree to the point that a narrow vision doesn't get you the right picture. All we need is empathy, and we'll understand everything from than onwards.

Just because we don't know the rituals, and traditions of the other culture is not a good enough reason to oppose it. In fact not knowing it should be treated as an opportunity to know something new.

People should have to follow or observe what they want to, and everything else should be treated as law and order problem if it poses one (which is unlikely the case).


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