Monday, May 4, 2020

The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology by Ray Kurzweil

A lot of the books end up being classified under the category Science-Tech, or Nonfiction or futurism (which is a relatively new in the market).

 I didn't care much about such classification but this particular book is not an easy read. It needs relatively much open mindedness, and critic. All the beliefs that have been the way of life or very close to your heart are challenged here in the most rational way possible.

The problem with such a topic is that not all the readers have the level of awareness required to understand some complicated topics covered here (in the very plain language with minimum to no jargon). A lot of people who don't have it may end up rejecting everything as a work of fiction.

So if you have an open mind to explore new ideas, and hypothesis plus some patience for fat books than this one is for you.

You don't need to be a super techie or even a tech enthusiast to follow a lot of content but be prepared to be challenged. This may end up changing your way of looking at future.


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