Monday, December 21, 2020

For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway

 Classic again, and no surprises. Amazing from the page one. Special effects with the old english I missed. Thou, thee, orderest and what not :) Sad part is that a lot of obscenities are given as "obscenities" so that it doesn't corrupt your eyes but to your mind. I'd be glad to have these out rather than left for the imagination.

This is the story of love in war. This a story of three days of a mission in Spain where Robert Jordan, an American (addressed as Ingles) is sent to blow a bridge with the help of an antifascist guerilla unit in the mountains of Spain.

The beauty is that story can be summarised in maybe 5 or so sentences but the narration lasts for about 450 pages. So, largely this is covering the thoughts, dreams, fears, and future plans. Yes, this is full of dialogues also.

It helps you connect with the characters closely. Nothing else is worth adding here because when you read it you will understand it.

Worth a read in the memory of those good old days when the writers were writers.


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