Monday, October 5, 2020

One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez

Oh I read this. The one which I always dreamed of reading, and now I'm thinking why didn't I do it all this time.

Well a masterpiece in it's own capacity with a cyclical nature. I said cyclical because while reading it there were some sub-plots which felt like you just read a similar one before but no, it was a different one.

Reading it felt like reading a lot of stories which are put together coherently. Most of the plots were so independent that if they are published separately, it can stand as a separate piece of itself. One caution is don't get entangled with memorising the names of the characters, they are all same so remember the narration and the character and forget about the name :)

Macondo is not just a town which started form nothing, and ended up in nothing. It is more like everything living or otherwise which starts from and end in this cycle of creation and destruction. Even the stories of these cycles are not eternal irrespective of being a happy or tragic one, and they will eventually be erased from the Earth and any consciousness.

So while you're living your story make it a good one because you're going to live it, and one fine or not so fine day it will end, and vanish.


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