Monday, June 8, 2020

The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell

I don't even remember where I got the reference for this book, and how long it was lying there.

Finally, I picked it up and finished but not so fast.

This is about how the mythologies are created, and specially how the heroes are created in it. It tells that on a larger level the journey of hero in any culture can be broadly divided into three stages Separation, Transformation, and Return.

The examples in the book are really covering the whole world and they do make you think that all the heroes in the mythic lores have similar journey. Even if these myths look different from outside, a closer look will bring all the similarities right into your face. These stories created the heroes as saviour or gods or even created a whole new religion or cult. But all this boils down to a same pattern.

The whole narrative is not really judging any story or hero but throws light on the overall narratives. It doesn't verify or reject any of them but look at them from a holistic point of view to understand what they want to tell us.

Worth reading!


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