Friday, March 29, 2019

Thank you for Being Late by Thomas Friedman

Thomas Friedman was not a new name to me. I've already read The World is Flat so I knew the kind of writing I should expect.

One thing which I was not aware, and which I realized after finishing the book was that there was so many updates from the latest tech world. These updates might have sounded a fairy tale to many readers but I could relate to a lot of these things.

Anyways, the book is more around how rapidly we've increased our knowledge in science which actually transformed to real world. These innovations have immensely affected our daily lives. The changes have been so fast that the human beings are not able to adjust to such speed. This has given rise to inequality in many ways within the society, and country.

These innovations have also hurt the natural resources which we're exploiting on a similar exponential trend. In the recent years the attitude towards such issues has changed as there are more and more researches happening which are trying to help us maintain the equilibrium with mother nature. The consequences of imbalance will be fatal.

Thomas has suggested a framework around how we can maintain the balance with nature, and also how we can create an all inclusive society which works toward the goal of common welfare, and connects the people to build a long lasting bonds which ultimately brings the harmony in the society.

Given the larger topics are covered the book is a bit fat but worth the read.


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