Monday, January 8, 2024

Defiant Dreams by Sola Mahfouz

A bright auto biography of a girl from Afghanistan who faced the challenges in a war torn country where all the odds were stacked against her.

From self-teaching all the subjects to sneaking into neighbouring countries to write the exams, securing a scholarship, a visa, and eventually becoming a quantum-computing researcher.

This sounds like a movie with all twists and turns where the protagonist eventually wins with a price paid for this win. The story of Sola is definitely an inspiration for someone who feels that life is not easy for you.

But this whole narrative has a very hidden sub story as well which is of the people who could never got the opportunity. Of course Sola came from a conservative family but there was always someone in the family who was the role model or finance was never a challenge. A stable internet connection and a laptop to work on was the real asset that brought the world to a small room for her. But did anyone else around her got the same support.

It is important that we know and celebrate the story of Sola but this should not stop us from remembering all the other Solas who couldn't make it but deserved it as much as anyone else.


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