Thursday, August 17, 2023

Minor Feelings by Cathy Park Hong

The discrimination doesn't stop at AfroAmericans or marginal communities but also with the wider communities who have been around for ages but still not accepted the part of the society irrespective of them being here for generations. Or worse, it puts a particular label to them which stops them from being seen as any other person who is not part of the majority.

The South East Asians have been one of these who are demeaned by different names, and after being one of the most successful communities and labeled as model community still face discrimination. These labels push the behaviour and self sensor for the people who belong to this one.

Additionally, even after with all the model behaviour the discrimination stays when people are called yellow, slant eye and what not. The stereotypes which don't go away but manifest in different ways.

The sensitivity to these cues is still a far cry but you hope against the hope, right?


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