Thursday, June 15, 2023

First You Write a Sentence. by Joe Moran

After a book on debate comes the book on writing :) 

The main question is why anyone writes? What does anyone has to tell that others are keen to read?

Reading is the most isolated activity (not counting group readings) which happens in the mutual absence of the two major stakeholders, the writer and the reader. Which makes it a bit closed activity where one need to break an obligation of presence. It is a one way dialogue between two people which is open to interpretations or abandonment from either side.

Given that the human attention span is short what does a writer need to keep a reader hooked, and here the author mostly addresses this question from personal experience. And it is important to know because you may have the best thing in the world to tell someone but what if people don't pay attention because you don't write/express it well enough. Or you have the worst things to say but your deliverance prowess gets you the all the eyes, ears and minds.

And never forget your grammar. Most important part is that a good writing is rewriting.

One can't become a writer by reading a book but the inspiration to record your thoughts in a neat way can come from anywhere with a little guidance. So, even if you're planning to never publish - write something.


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