Friday, July 22, 2022

Pachinko by Lee Min-jin

This was on the list for quite some time now, and glad to finish this one.

Of course, its a tragic novel. Most of the characters are at low points in their lives or suffering from negativity.

And, there is God. Not as an influencer but more like the fall back for the characters.

Life is full of choices, and it is sad to see that some end up making the negative ones which lead to the downfall, more moral in nature. The over thought about non-existing things and not being thankful to what the characters had is the core of every single character in the whole story. Life is tough due to different factors be it being an immigrant, poor, war or the other moral dilemmas which narrow down the vision to look at the brighter side of the things.

It is a long one but it covers many generations, and does have many sub plots running in parallel. So, don't complain if the book looks thick.


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