Monday, June 13, 2022

People Love Dead Jews: Reports from a Haunted Present by Dara Horn

This is such a conflicting account to read.

It has so many opposite thoughts that it doesn't move beyond the cover page.

The first problem is why people worry so much about holocaust and not the people who survived it. I agree there is a lot of literature available but that doesn't justify the point that the Jewish literature doesn't get enough spotlight. People love Anne Frank because it is a sane voice even if one believes that the tragic end pumps its emotional quotient.

Secondly, it is full of anger against the people who don't agree or think otherwise. It is again an irrational line of thoughts.

Thirdly, a different line of thought which tries to establish that rationality or open argument is a religion specific trait. Following any religion doesn't increase boost anybody's mental faculties.

Lastly, belittling the efforts of a lot of people by calling it a whim or not enough or behavioural issue sets a wrong precedence. All the myths should always be busted but not just the ones which look convenient. 

Holocaust was an unimaginable event of history, and it is not a wonder that a lot of post analysis drown all the other voices. There will always be the people who imagine and believe in different ideas/theories. The way out is to have an argument which is as generic as possible without favouring anyone. This sounds difficult to accept and even more challenging to propagate but this is where anyone can start.


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