Friday, March 25, 2022

Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now by Ayaan Hirsi Ali

The intention was good but there are some holes in the theory.

It ended up focusing on a lot of instances which an active reader have come across already from different news outlets. Repeating a lot of them and trying to put them in a perspective would have been better rather than just quoting them and concluding this is wrong. A lot of points were a bit myopic in nature given the potential of the small changes in a longer term.

We can't call it revolutionary even if it asking for a revolution. Change is a slow process and speeding it up can cause more complicated scenarios. The one thing which I agree to is that education is the most important part because once the critical thinking is set in motion by knowledge (and it doesn't just have to be scientific, even art/literature will do), it will bring logic and reasoning in the whole debate. There are many examples which show that the education has failed but in a broader perspective they are very small in quantum if they sound loudest.

Patience is the keyword and there is nothing like eternal peace.


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