Thursday, June 25, 2015

Yoga is Not So Cool @ 6 in the Morning

So I was getting these sms (who sends sms in this era) from a service numbers (which have these weird names like SV-187 which looks more like a code name of a virus biological/other or a satellite launched by ISRO) which badly wants me to go out on June 21st and do Yoga, it was supposedly the International Yoga day or it was a universal Yoga day, you never know if some aliens in a different galaxy are getting their limbs (if they have any) flexed to celebrate this day.
Being a not so curious case I tried to do what I generally do when I hear such things, I just searched it on internet and clicked on the third link (first 2 were news which I am not into), and landed on this site called Wikipedia (there are so many Wiki around that you never know which one it is) and found out that this a very recent phenomenon announced on Dec 11th, 2014 at UN (Don’t even think what it is). I also got the Wiki definition of Yoga “Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice or discipline that originated in India”. Isn’t it so cool :)
Being blessed with the laziest bones on this planet I totally ignored all 15-20 sms sent by taxpayers money, and I woke up at 9 in the morning too realize that I have silently passed the duration while some 40,000 odd (of course they were odd) people were twisting and turning in front of India gate. I switched on the TV and it didn’t came as a surprise that this is some sort of world record. We Indian have this inherent quality of getting into these gatherings at meteorological scale and make everything look like a fair. We hold the highest number of such mass records (Sing, Dance, Music and what else).
I’d not be surprised if there was a news debate from the owner of a cow who can smell a rat out of a cat that foreign elements are behind it. You’re doing a good job homie.
For all those guys on Rajpath, I wish you reach the Yogpath or Janpath or whatever-path it is you wish for. Just hang on there and don’t get twisted to much. And to all those Yoga teachers who are charging a fees for it which are higher than Burj Khalifa (figuratively speaking), just rot in hell (if any).
And here comes the best part, there was a deluge of proud Indians who’s favourite asan is Nindrasan. These guys woke up at 12 o’ clock in the afternoon and the first thing they did was that they were proud without moving a finer on Yoga day. They were proud on Facebook, Twitter, Wahtsapp and all those places where they can be with burning less than a calorie.
Meanwhile all the Father’s are humbled as their kids were going gaga over Yoga than Father’s day (or Baap Diwas like I call it), and nobody gave a damn that this was the longest day of the year Summer Solstice.
I feel sorry that I didn’t participate in this mammoth gathering which everybody is so proud of socially or whatsappically, I just wish we had some day like World Sleep Day, Chillout day, Doing Nothing Day, Couch Potato Day and I’m sure gonna participate in all these days with all my strength, and I’m sure we can create a small record there as well.

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