Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way

Above is the opening line of the novel. I think of it the second best novel by Tolstoy after War and Peace.
I read this novel long back, in fact I remember it as the first novel I read but I still remember the theme and plot of the whole novel like I'm still reading it. Characters are so lively that I can relate everyone of them to somebody or the other around me even if I'm not living in the same society which Tolstoy paints in this novel.
The story revolves around three main characters Anna, her husband Alexei Karenin and her lover Alexei Vronsky. 
As the name suggests Anna is the central figure in the novel around whom the whole story is woven nicely.
Tolstoy has created all the characters in such a way that all of them looks realistic with all their desires, destiny, attitude, passion and all other human behaviour.
The novel starts with a scene of a woman dieing on the railway station which nobody knows for sure as an accident or suicide and ends with Anna committing suicide on railway track.
The whole plot sounds depressing but anybody reading the novel can find that it was not meant to be so but the writer was only trying to create the characters as real s possible and he succeeded very well.
While reading the novel you can understand the single rational behind the actions or thought process of the main characters. Even Anna taking the final step was quite obvious from her mental state depicted there and you don't need to be a psychologist to understand that.
The character I liked most is Anna only. She is such an embodiment of human nature full of desires and dreams that I never thought her infidelity as something immoral in nature. She is more like any other person who dreams and lusts(desires) for whatever they want irrespective of its moral aspects. She even doesn't like the behavior of her husband who kind of tries to show her mercy and asks her to forget the past and start things afresh. Anna can't stand such mercy and she thinks that whatever he is doing is just for the sake of saving his face in the society which sounds like a hypocrisy in itself to her. She looks like a rebellion against the society by saying no to any such offers.
I never like the idea of suicide because I'm quite sure that life never ends at a point when you can't do anything, there is always a door to exit to somewhere else but it can never be suicide. It's better to stand with something you believe in and follow it to see it happen. People say that people who commit suicide has nothing to live for but I think that they don't give a chance to something that they can live for. The only thing that can be counted as a possibility for somebody committing such a thing can loneliness, we can be so alone sometimes that we don't see anything coming towards us and life looks like a blackhole but this is the time when we've to be very much aware of ourselves and what we want from life and there should always be some reason to live for. We can't be dead for one reason when life gives us so many reasons to live for.
Anna Karenina, one of the best novels ever written, read it for yourself and don't get discouraged by the size of the book. You will never regret investing time in it.

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