Thursday, May 16, 2024

On Tyranny by Timothy Snyder

This is the smallest book to give you direct pointers to identify what is happening around you. And it is so straight forward that one need to close his/her eyes for not seeing what this book projects.

Tyranny was never out. It was always there in one form or another, and not just in the countries that people know about but also where is got covered in the name of everything which was not real.

This is a must read book to understand what potential trends one should watch out for. Because not seeing them or ignoring them is not going to help anyone. It is important to see them and stand up against them. You may never see one face or a whole entity with a face of one person but the trends are going to show up anyways.

History is full of examples where tyrants were out fishing in a troubled water, and got a large number of people aligned with their agenda. So, in the end, it is always the people who give power to it, and its only people who can take this power back. Choose wisely what you stand with.


The Fund: Ray Dalio, Bridgewater Associates, and the Unraveling of a Wall Street Legend by Rob Copeland

Story of money again. Or how the money corrupts things.

This is a story of a fund which made a lot of money for everyone involved but the Ray Dalio was the biggest beneficiary. And it is not much about how he made money but what he did when he earned a lot of it. Specially, the work culture at this fund.

From the narrative, one can see that the people were part of it because of their own interests, and mind it that they were not really poor or desperate. These people just couldn't let go the salary they were paid in return of going through all the weird things which were happening there. Most likely they never realised how they are paying back for those compensations.

Last thing, the founder was never a legend. He might be someone among a group of people with a lot of money but legend is not a right word in this context.
