Monday, May 2, 2022

The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin

This is not a full size book but a collection of two letters from the author. The first one is more personal which is addressed to his nephew and the second one is more of an essay or commentary on the current state and future.

This is small but with a big impact. I have not read any of his works earlier but I am sure this was a good start. It does talk about the past but this is more future facing. Love comes as a solution in emotional accounts but in this book which carries a lot of burden from past, it was really good to hear. The problem with emotional solution is that it takes time, and really long time to show any results but this is the only solution. You speed the things up and it will be a mess again.

Forgiveness is not a virtue all the time but sometimes it is something which helps you unload the bad in your life and make room for some good. It is not easy. It is far easier to fall for a passion specially the one which promises the quick solution. The solutions which resonate with your own temporary thoughts but don't stand the test of the time.

Worth a read irrespective of your interests.


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