Monday, May 2, 2022

Breasts and Eggs by Mieko Kawakami

Sometimes the books has that shock quotient, and this was really high on it. I did pick it up for the strange title but I was also wanted to read some recent writers from Japan.

This one covers some topics from a difficult life which are always there but never discussed openly. From breast augmentation to teen existential crisis to parental choices. And the best part was that it was all conversational rather than preaching.

This is rather long which I believe is due to been written in sequence at different points. But it does shows sad state of being poor irrespective of which country you are in. A country with $5T GDP and high PPP doesn't translate to a good life for everyone.

Every theme in the novel can be discussed in details independently but that is not the aim here. But even it was a real long one, it does leave you with new line of thoughts. You can argue against them but can't write them off.

Life sometimes come with difficult choices which doesn't make the life unlivable. The idea of life needs to be taken with resilience and positivity. Its difficult to always look at the bright side of the things but its always the light which carries you forward. Nobody led by darkness reached anywhere.


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