Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Fatherland by Burkhard Bilger

How difficult it is to talk about personal history when the history is difficult to talk about?

The author traces the footprints of his family during the WW2 and its role in Nazi Germany. This leads to a long trail of letters, documents, and people who have anything to say about those times.

We can't always be sure of how people behaved the way they did and that world still had people who fell into the grey zone where they can't be labelled as good or bad. They were just people who were motivated by different factors like love, hunger, poverty, power, greed, jealousy, survival, or even good heartedness. The people who put the humanity first or even second or third on a list when there were not many options were the best ones who brought the light at the end of the tunnel.

Evil is strong, and it feeds on madness but that is short in supply. It does end, and when it does we see the hope surviving.


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