Friday, July 7, 2023

Love's Executioner by Irvin D. Yalom

This is the kind of book you'd like to read which is written by a person who knows about his/her chosen topic. I didn't finish a book on porn earlier for the reason that it doesn't offer a critical study, and based on sole discussions with people from a closed circle. In that sense this book brings a different perspective.

It brings the ideas of people with death scare (old age or medical condition) in one place and analyse this from a psychologists perspective who worked with them.

Death is literally a larger than life idea which sounds absurd to any living cognitive being. This cognition which helps humans examine things differently brings it own perils. And the worst of all is to face the possibility of one's own death. The thought of end of a life which you have known all your life which brings the torments, and challenges. This is one of the reason why the humans can't just exist like a tree or a stone in nature, and search for immortality/longevity has been such a big theme across all the fields of  human developments.

We can look at all the cases mentioned in this book, and don't relate to anyone of them but it provides a primer before you start your own painting.


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