Saturday, April 15, 2023

Victory City by Salman Rushdie

Reading this book in 2023 is a kind of standing up to what happened to the writer. That incident is not unprecedented, and it was bound to happen one day. But the sad part is that the words (not even an argument) can cause people to act in this way.

About the book, it has as much magic as Rushdie's any book. The funny part is that if you're well versed with Indian history, geography, and mythology then you can understand a lot of it without much efforts. That symbolism goes deep into the overall narrative.

Noting beats the Midnight's Children but a frequent reader can get the hang of his writings and, there will be instances where it sounds like something you've already heard before. And the good thing is that that most likely you have, it is just told by Rushdie in his own style of storytelling.

Worth a read.


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