Friday, October 9, 2020

Dune by Frank Herbert

 Ok I read it. I know I read like everyone else who has seen the recent trailer of the movie based on this book.

I prefer books over the movie (Harry Potter was an exception) so even when I'm not a fan of sci-fi, I read this one. This is definitely one of the few that I've read and I marvelled at the gigantic plot and was not surprised that this book independently is just a beginning.

This one has everything that a reader can ask for drama, emotion, action, conspiracy and above all greed! This was meant to be a movie even if the previous one didn't do very well. One thing which also surprised my was the amount of philosophy in the book which is not generally expected in a sci-fi. I think this was the main reason that a lot of people felt connected with the whole narration.

However, I love the book but I'm not going to read the rest of the series (I'm definitely not afraid of picking up 5 more books of about 600 pages each, wink). It's not that it is not interesting but I realised that I'm not into sci-fi. And when I say that I'm not really writing it off. I actually think that sci-fi writers are the biggest dreamers because they can put the things on paper which no body else has even thought of.

I might not be watching the movie also because I can't wait for the sequel to come (Of course they can't finish the whole story in one).


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