Thursday, September 17, 2020

Inglorious Empire: What the British Did to India by Shashi Tharoor

 I was not looking for it but when I saw it in the library I said "why not?"

As the author mentioned that this came out in the continuation of his speech in Oxford, I could just smile at the irony of it, don't worry if you don't see it.

And like the title suggests it puts a lot of thoughts around the data and other sources from those 200 years and beyond. I will say that anybody who is looking at the positive sides of Raj or bent on showing that this was after all for the welfare of the colonised should look at this book. It summarily gives you all the details about what was wrong with British colonisation.

The worst part is not that this happened but that this was justified later or suppressed from public memory.

Repatriation is not the answer but keeping it alive in memory of people from both side is more important. If we forget it or remember a diluted/altered version of it then that will be the gravest of the injustice.


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